Astrological Birth Chart Readings
Find out what makes you "tick", astrologically speaking!
Service Description
Are you ready to understanding your inner self, Astrologically speaking? Birth Chart readings focus on all of the planets and major asteroids/points, along with their houses and corresponding signs. Cost includes your session, as well as a full color comprehensive report explaining placements and nuances of your birth chart. (Will be emailed to you for a online reading, or can be mailed for a nominal cost)! Please ensure to book at least 7 business days in advance (or 10 calendar days), so that I may get in contact with you and to make sure your report is ready for your appointment. Your name, birth date, place and time is needed to ensure full accuracy.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations or re-bookings must be done at least 24 hours in advance in order to not incur any appointment related charges.
Contact Details
Empowered Souls, Northridge Drive, Saskatoon, SK, Canada